The importance of following up on leadership coaching sessions

Today, leadership coaching is well regarded in society. It is important in that it aims to support executives and managers so that they better understand their skills and see for themselves how to lead effectively, thanks to these skills.

What is leadership coaching really about?

Leadership coaching is a variety of personal coaching during which executives and managers who wish to discern and develop their identity and function as leaders are accompanied. Leadership coaching leads to a perceptible change in behaviour. Leaders focus on consciously chosen objectives, give concerted feedback, trust and empower their assistants, and leadership coaching provides face-to-face coaching to impresarios and managers. Leadership coaching is usually done during or after a coaching training.

The objectives of leadership coaching

Leadership coaching is done so that you stop considering your objectives according to the means and constraints and so that you see the means you need, according to your needs, to allow you to place yourself at the right level of decision making, to take a tactical step back and to get a price on 1/5 of projects that generate 4/5 leverage. But that’s not all! Thanks to leadership coaching, you will be able to become an active player in your system, consider the political dimension of your judgements, study your personal marketing and guess donors for your projects, by creating the right network of internal connections. In addition to all this, you will develop your leadership skills, which will enable you to foresee your vision, to breathe life into your group, to adjust your managerial attitude, and to be able to conduct interviews focused on results, measured and actionable.

Online psychology: a new therapeutic mode

Would you like to be able to find a psychiatrist who can help you and whom you can consult at any time, without going to his or her office? Information is provided in this article to help you find the psychiatrist that suits you or the free online psychologist that meets your criteria.

Roles of a psychiatrist

The psychiatrist is an expert in the treatment of psychiatric illnesses related to disorders of the mental, emotional or psychological system of human beings. During several repetitive sessions, this specialist tries to discuss with the patient and guide him/her towards the right path. He helps to find solutions to the patient’s problems by drawing on his past and identifying his present. In this way, the psychiatrist leads the person to adopt positive attitudes that will help him or her to overcome hardships. Active listening is the shrink’s indispensable weapon. Therefore, he conducts dialogues so that the patient can express himself openly and detach himself from his fears. If you are in need but your budget does not allow you to do so, free online psychiatrists or psychologists are waiting for you on specialized websites to solve your problems.

How to choose your psychiatrist?

The choice of a psychiatrist is very important for many people in psychological care. So, follow these few tips before making the choice. First, find out about the psychiatrist’s references in psychology, distinguishing whether he or she is a psychoanalyst, neuropsychiatrist or behaviourist. Then, ask if he or she provides psychotherapy beyond medication and diagnosis. If you are uncomfortable with the psychiatrist, you can search for free online psychologists. This is a quick and efficient way to get answers to all your questions. To help you in your choice, you can go to the chat room, an exchange site that offers advice that you may need. You can also opt for, the first French-language consultation site. With this one, you will spend your interviews with a shrink by telephone, by e-mail exchange or even by a private chat room.

Cognitive behavioural therapy

Anxiety or generalized anxiety disorder is a phenomenon that we may face in unpleasant situations. In such cases, consult a health professional who will recommend the most effective therapy.

The different causes and symptoms of anxiety

There are many causes of anxiety. This anxiety never happens by chance. There are triggers that help it to appear. The causes of generalized anxiety disorder depend, first and foremost, on the environment in which you find yourself. These may be difficulties in your daily life. In addition to environmental factors, anxiety can be caused by the personality of the individual who always tends to think negatively. It can also be due to unusual and unexpected events. In addition, the symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder can be behavioural, physical and emotional. The physical symptoms (respiratory, cardiac and digestive) are characterized by an anxious expectation of the future. Emotional symptoms appear in the form of apprehension, anxiety and panic attacks, or muscle tension.

How can anxiety be managed?

Generalized anxiety disorder is becoming more and more prevalent around the world. There are several ways to manage it quickly. First, take control of your emotions and your body. As soon as you feel at the end of the panic, you should breathe in calmly and deeply. Then, hold your breath for three seconds before slowly exhaling. The purpose of breathing is to help you calm down naturally. If you have not mastered this method, you should attend relaxation classes. To manage anxiety well, adopt good lifestyle habits. Limit the use of substances that increase heart rate and stress. For example, you should eat healthily and rest as often as possible. Finally, don’t allow yourself to be shaken by negative thoughts that prove to be destructive to your mind.

Treating anxiety with cognitive behavioural therapy

This therapy is an effective treatment of choice for generalized anxiety disorder. Here are the five steps to treating anxiety with the help of a therapist. First, the therapist will provide information about physical, cognitive and behavioural processes. You will compare what is a useful anxiety with what is not. Secondly, there is monitoring. In this case, you will learn to observe your anxiety. The third step is physical control strategies. The therapist will give you deep breathing and muscle relaxation to help reduce overexcitement. The fourth step is the cognitive control strategy. You will be taken to evaluate realism and reduce your fears little by little. The fifth step completes your therapy. You will be led to confront different situations that you fear. At this stage, you should be able to begin to control yourself and feel less anxious.

Cognitive Therapy: Effective for Behavioural Change

Cognitive therapy is suitable for individuals, couples, children and companies. It consists of managing fears as well as depression with the help of a psychotherapist. Find out in this article how this treatment is effective by following professional sessions with a behavioural psychiatrist. The details!

What is cognitive therapy?

Cognitive therapy is a therapy that explores a person’s maladaptive behaviours through reactions and thoughts that are in tune with the world at large. This therapy helps to change the way a person acts (the behavioural aspect) and thinks (the cognitive aspect). The main objective of the behavioural psychiatrist is to work on image enhancement by re-examining the potentialities and qualities of the patient. He looks for alternative ways to identify and correct the thoughts of the individual to be treated, but also to understand the various symptoms that are at the origin of the psychic suffering of this individual. The latter must follow a special care programme with the help of a psychotherapist.

Effectiveness of cognitive therapy

Cognitive therapy is adopted under several conditions. It is the most effective treatment for severe depression and anxiety disorders. For severe depression, therapy should be used in conjunction with medication. These medications will help you reach a mental state that allows you to get the therapy. Anxiety disorders should not be treated with tranquillizers. With cognitive therapy, the duration of treatment can range from 6 weeks to 6 months. It depends on the nature of your problem. For your information, be aware that a psychotherapist is like a personal trainer who directs and encourages you but cannot act in your place. You are advised to choose a behavioural psychiatrist after consulting a doctor.

Course of cognitive therapy

First of all, the psychotherapist defines with the patient the therapeutic objectives according to the problems to be treated and the goal to be achieved. To do this, he works on the person’s symptoms and history. The patient will learn to examine and analyze his problems and their repercussions in order to create alternative behaviors at the end of the session. These new behaviours will be received through exercises adapted to the rhythm of each person. The realization of these exercises allows the development of behaviors more adequate to the image of the individual. It helps to limit anxiety and control painful emotions. If you do not want to follow this therapy, consult your doctor about alternative treatments.

Cognitive-behavioural therapy: a therapy for depression

Are you looking for an effective psychological treatment to overcome your depression? Know that cognitive-behavioural therapy is the most appropriate method to achieve a good result. Discover the tips to solve your anxiety problems through the information provided here. Don’t miss them.

Types of therapies to treat depression

Therapy is the most recommended treatment for depression. It will allow you to learn techniques to control your problems and regain control of your life. There are several types of therapy that are appropriate for each of your situations. First, there is individual therapy, which involves only the psychologist and the patient. There is also group therapy, in which both patients can share their emotions and experiences and become aware that many people have already gone through the same situation. There is also couple therapy, which is a type of therapy to help one of the partners who suffers from anxiety problems and to bring about changes in the couple’s behaviour. Family therapy, on the other hand, is the key to success in overcoming depression. It is helpful for family members to understand each other better.

Steps to follow during therapy sessions

The help you will get with cognitive-behavioural therapy for your depression or anxiety will focus on several things. The first element is psychoeducation. This consists of providing you with the causes and symptoms of depression. The second element will encourage you to be active. To do this, you must carry out activities that will bring you happiness and pleasure. The aim is to improve your mood and develop your energy. Note that doing these activities is very effective in the treatment of depression. The third element is to help you change your way of seeing things, such as catastrophic or unbearable situations. To complete the therapy, your therapist will guide you to change your opinions and beliefs in order to eliminate the beliefs that can lead to recurring anxiety attacks.

Tips for successful therapy

Your therapy works best when you don’t miss all your appointments. Its success is based on trust in your psychologist and your active participation in the sessions. People who actively participate in therapy recover faster and are less likely to relapse than those who are not motivated. If you begin therapy, set goals with your therapist and then spend regular time with him or her to measure your progress. If you are not satisfied with his approach, discuss it with him and don’t stop your therapy. Cognitive-behavioural therapy is a long-term treatment and its effects may take time to appear. If severe depression occurs, the therapist will combine effective antidepressants in your therapy.

Burn-out or burnout is a century’s disease that affects all strata of society and can affect all professions. It manifests itself in chronic fatigue and intense nervous breakdown. According to a recent study, many people suffer from burnout, i.e. more than 3,000,000 of the working population in France. This figure suggests that this occupational disease is the result of a crisis at work. Thus, it must be treated as an emergency. Here is how to treat and get rid of burn-out.

Learning to manage stress at work

Although burn-out is not recognised by the WHO as a disease, this work-related phenomenon has a major influence on the victim’s state of health. Indeed, it can quickly lead to very serious physical, psychological and mental disorders. In general, the burn out symptom is linked to the victim’s constant demotivation in relation to his work: non-recognition of the work done, feelings of frustration, loss of self-confidence. Burnout progressively destroys physical, emotional and psychological resources. The best way to prevent burn-out is to manage your stress at work. To do this, schedule breaks during your working hours. Are you the kind of person who carries out his or her daily tasks non-stop until the end of working hours? If so, give yourself breaks of at least 10 minutes every two hours. During the break, detach yourself completely from the professional world. Use relaxation techniques to reduce or even get rid of stress. You should also learn to let go while sitting in your office chair. To do so, take deep breaths, learn to meditate or gradually relax your muscles. Getting a good night’s sleep is also an excellent way to get rid of stress, which in turn helps prevent burn-out. Lack of sleep increases feelings of being overwhelmed and anxiety at work. To help you improve your sleep, create a bedtime routine. For example, turn off all electronic devices two hours before bedtime or do soothing activities such as taking a hot bath or listening to relaxing music. If you’re having trouble managing your burnout, it’s a good idea to consult a behavioural coach, which is currently available online as on this site.

Adopting good habits at work

Burn-out leads to serious behavioural problems if you do not treat it as soon as possible. You can get rid of this occupational disease without having to see a doctor by adopting good attitudes at work. Redefine your approach to work to get rid of your feeling of not recognizing the work you’ve done. Indeed, the negative vision you feel at work is often linked to the fact that you have lost sight of the value you create through your job. So if you are acting on behalf of a for-profit association, make sure that your activity has a positive impact on the community concerned. This way of acting gives meaning to your work, increasing your motivation on a daily basis. Next, get to know your limits. Pretending to be a flawless man or woman leads to burnout at work. While others appreciate you when you take on extra responsibility, over time, work overloads you and you may feel trapped by your work. If you’re a perfectionist, be aware that you may already be suffering from burnout. Indeed, tendencies towards perfectionism contribute to occupational illness.   Faced with this situation, stop wanting and being able to do everything. Learn to say “no” when you are asked to do extra work when you feel overwhelmed. By adopting this attitude, others will value you more. Finally, change the way you talk about your job. Learn to use the vocabulary “I would like” and remove the word “must” from your language. Although this is a simple semantic change, this new attitude prevents you from expressing a constraint, but rather a will.

Make your free time useful

Many people take advantage of their weekends to finish their work or do other extra activities. If you are part of this group, then get out of the circle quickly. This only worsens burnout at work. To deal with burnout without going through the behaviourist, start saying “yes” to fun activities in your free time and leave your tasks aside. If your children ask you to go to the amusement park or take them shopping, get rid of the old habit of turning down invitations to enjoy fun. Burnout is usually caused by overwork. With this in mind, do you spend more time on leisure activities? This allows you to find a good compromise between work and personal life. Choose a few hobbies that you’d love to do, then make time for them in your spare time: breaks, weekends, holidays in other words, devote time to an extra-professional activity that is close to your heart.

Think positively

Burn-out revolves around the negative thoughts of one’s work: feelings of non-recognition, rejection, a phenomenon that generates stress. The worst thing is that the situation gets worse with time. Therefore, to remedy burnout at work, it is wise to learn to think positively. Make strong statements about the future. To do this, imagine what you want to have in the future and then focus on the benefits of what you are doing now, not the risks. To make this new positive thinking habit a success, start with a small vision. You’ll easily succeed, improving your motivation. With this in mind, also get in the habit of appreciating even small accomplishments. By celebrating each of your successes, you will discover more and more joy and regain a taste for work. It is important to know that becoming enjoyable at work can bring more positivity into life. Last but not least, learn how to help others. Positivism is usually based on a sense of gratitude towards neighbourhoods and society.

Re-evaluate your goals today

Most people with burnout are those who do not appreciate their work. Burnout at work occurs when you don’t recognize the purpose of what you are doing when you do it. You will quickly feel frustrated if you have no idea what your goals are. So take the time to evaluate or re-evaluate your own goals through your work. And to have a positive outcome, you need to feel good and fulfilled at work. To be satisfied in the long term, to get rid of burn-out, you need to have positive emotions in your work: peace, gratitude, love and curiosity. Then you have to get involved in your job. If you are really committed to what you do, you will see that time passes quickly, that the end of your working hours will come without you noticing.

Dissemblance between personal coach and professional coach

Of course, the coaching profession is practiced by many people, without necessarily having to justify a training. This is why alliances and associations of professional coaches are encouraging the profession to become more professional. The profession also has two variants. There are personal coaches and professional coaches.

The roles of a personal coach

The personal coach is a professional who supports each of his clients in achieving their goals. He directs and accompanies him, with the goal of helping him to perform better in a defined area. He participates in the promotion of the personal and professional development of an individual. The personal coach is different from the professional coach. The personal coach accompanies a person. The professional coach, on the other hand, carries out his interventions in a company where he accompanies either a group or an individual. Nowadays, coaching has the wind in its sails. It is therefore everywhere and benefits from more and more candidates. Nowadays, we find many aspirants to become storage coaches, to follow a training to become company coaches, a training to become sports coaches, seduction coaches and others.

The roles of a professional coach

The professional coach is a mentor for the promotion of the worker in the evolution of his professional life. Through personal development provisions, he helps him to progress or supports him in adjusting to changes in society. The professional coach starts by getting to know the potentialities of the employee entrusted to him and his professional springs which he measures according to the context and the possible embarrassments encountered. The coach’s intervention does not only concern technical knowledge. It also concerns the employee’s dexterity and interpersonal skills, for example in the managerial, relational or commercial fields, and also considers the psychological side.

Use the accompaniment of a life coach to create your life project

Originally, coaching only existed in sports. Having spread to management and personal life, it is in great demand. Thus, to cope with a given situation, one has recourse to the support of a life coach. However, it is important to choose your life coach carefully, especially if you need support in creating a life project.

More about coaching and life coaches

The term “coach” comes, as this Anglicism indicates, from the field of sport. Etymologically, a coach is an instructor who coaches his team to success. Cemétier, engendered in the practice of high-level sports, has spread to the field of management. In fact, coaches first intervened in institutions to enthuse workers, reform salesmen’s results or to strengthen the esprit de corps of these workers. Nowadays, and for some years now, there are coaches in all areas of personal life: self-realisation, recovery after a marital break-up, makeover, agreement between professional and personal life, children’s education, etc. TV programmes have made a “commercial” of it by increasing the number of programmes that feature coaches interfering in people’s daily lives. Nevertheless, having neither followed an adequate training nor obtained a diploma in this field, many people call themselves life coaches. Thus, before resorting to the accompaniment of a life coach, one should make sure that he or she has received consistent training or references, has significant experience as well as a palpable practice of psychotherapy. In this way, you will be spared from fraudsters.

What does it mean to become a life coach?

First of all, to become a life coach, you will have to train as a coach, and with training fees that are not necessarily expensive, it’s as easy as it is enjoyable. You will just have to make the right selection of training, choosing in such a way that it meets the criteria of the IFC (International Coaching Federation). This training allows, in addition to doing a work on oneself, to distinguish the attitude of a coach and to equip oneself with the necessary tools for the exercise of the profession. On the other hand, finding clients and increasing one’s activity are a challenge to be taken up. However, this is where the life coach will really operate and make use of the tools he has learned in order to move forward and acquire the skills he needs but also to set a positive vision on selling his know-how and services as a life coach.such in all sectors where the entrance fee is very affordable, succeeding as a life coach requires the development of values for which trainings cannot fully prepare. Indeed, the remuneration figures for life coaches are generally around the minimum wage, if they are not forced to return to a salaried job, having no clients.

Creating a life project proven by coaching

Discovering one’s life project is an enriching practice, both on a personal level and in the interventions of life coaches. To anticipate an ordeal or a passage in one’s life path requires going beyond the simple recollection of anteriority and reality. It is about evoking and opening up to a future, a process of transmutation of condition, work and life project. It is, among other things, with the objective of accompanying this process of change that the life coach intervenes. This accompaniment can be done individually or through a training workshop that can be approached in two (02) forms: self coaching and training in a coaching tool. This workshop is open to all. Its objectives are to: identify the important elements of the life project in follow-up coaching, assimilate attachments, values and necessities in life projects, create one’s life project by referring to one’s common thread and learn the use of a life project implementation grid.

The shrink, the effective solution

Cognitive-behavioural therapy has proven effective in treating many psychological problems. Cognitive-behavioural therapy aims to free a person from dysfunctional behaviours such as lack of self-confidence, for example. To remedy this difficulty while helping the person regain his or her autonomy, the support of a shrink is necessary.

What does cognitive-behavioural therapy consist of?

Cognitive-behavioural therapy or CBT is a therapy that aims to convert maladaptive behaviours and negative ideas into reactions that are in line with reality. It helps to gradually overcome disabling symptoms such as aggressive reactions, stress, inhibitions… All in all, to treat various disorders, including anxiety, obsessive-compulsive, depressive and sleep disorders, cognitive-behavioural therapy is effective. Cognitive and behavioural therapy is a program of care provided by a psychologist or shrink that helps to contain these difficulties.  Any suffering person (child, adolescent, adult or elderly person) who wishes to find a lifestyle more in line with the demands of reality can follow this therapy.

How to have self-confidence?

Lack of self-confidence can be a problem that could alter a person’s life if nothing is done. Nowadays, people tend to solve the problem of lack of self-confidence by themselves because consulting a shrink for some is sometimes perceived as a weakness. However, don’t you find that finding solutions on your own can be difficult? Cognitive and behavioural therapy is the treatment of first choice that will allow you to have real self-confidence. Indeed, this therapy offers systematic desensitization which involves several steps such as sophrology, autosuggestion, role-playing and the prescription of immersion behaviours. A shrink is trained to help you, advise you and offer you several alternatives so that everything becomes clear in your head.

How to find the best shrink?

Here are a few tips to help you find the best shrink to accompany you during your therapy. First, before choosing your psychologist, visit the Ordre des psychologues website to gather information on all the members and select the psychologists that seem best suited to you. Next, make sure that the psychologist you are about to consult is competent. If during the first few sessions you do not make progress thanks to his or her support, think about changing, because a psychologist must help you move forward. In fact, you should choose a shrink with whom you feel more comfortable. Concerning the duration of the treatment, a few weeks to a few months are more than enough to treat the problem of lack of self-confidence. As for the cost of the session, it can range from 37 € to 70 €, depending on the case.

A couple psychologist for marital problems

Couple therapy is a means of resolving disputes that couples have not been able to manage effectively on their own. To do this, couples need the support of a couple psychologist who could advise them and help them understand each other better and move forward together.

When to consider couple therapy?

Couple therapy is a process by which a couple wants to leave a suffering.  Just like a person in difficulty or distress who seeks help from a therapist, a couple can also do this by calling on a couple psychologist. The latter is neither a lawyer nor an arbitrator, but acts as a mediator to hear the points of view of both parties and to help them clarify their problems while teaching them to communicate better with each other. Therefore, it is essential to consider couple therapy when the partners realize that they no longer share the same values and find it difficult to communicate together, also if both parties repeat the same conflicts, despite all attempts to reach a compromise.

Principles of CBT in Couple Therapy

Currently, to save a couple, the tools of cognitive behavioural therapy or CBT can help the therapist who chooses to use them. In this type of therapy, both parties must be present during the sessions. The work of the couple psychologist will consist in highlighting: the indispensable needs of each party as well as of the couple and the things that are redhibitory in the eyes of both partners. The couple psychologist will therefore make sure that each spouse can take into consideration the needs of the other. The goal of this therapy is to highlight the essential values of each individual but especially to detect the causes of the communication difficulty. Consequently, so that each spouse feels listened to, the shrink’s work will focus on restoring room for the other’s opinion and helping both parties to express their feelings.

The cost of couple therapy

The roles of a couple psychologist are numerous, namely: to avoid emotional outbursts between partners, to restore communication and to develop empathy of each spouse for the other. Calling on a psychologist is therefore important in order to be able to act on the difficulty that the couple is experiencing and with a view to reuniting the couple another time. A couple therapy session usually lasts 45 to 90 minutes, every week. The duration depends on the couple’s progress during the therapy. The cost of the service varies between 55 € and 85 € per session.

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