Cognitive-behavioural therapy: a therapy for depression

Are you looking for an effective psychological treatment to overcome your depression? Know that cognitive-behavioural therapy is the most appropriate method to achieve a good result. Discover the tips to solve your anxiety problems through the information provided here. Don't miss them.

Types of therapies to treat depression

Therapy is the most recommended treatment for depression. It will allow you to learn techniques to control your problems and regain control of your life. There are several types of therapy that are appropriate for each of your situations. First, there is individual therapy, which involves only the psychologist and the patient. There is also group therapy, in which both patients can share their emotions and experiences and become aware that many people have already gone through the same situation. There is also couple therapy, which is a type of therapy to help one of the partners who suffers from anxiety problems and to bring about changes in the couple's behaviour. Family therapy, on the other hand, is the key to success in overcoming depression. It is helpful for family members to understand each other better.

Steps to follow during therapy sessions

The help you will get with cognitive-behavioural therapy for your depression or anxiety will focus on several things. The first element is psychoeducation. This consists of providing you with the causes and symptoms of depression. The second element will encourage you to be active. To do this, you must carry out activities that will bring you happiness and pleasure. The aim is to improve your mood and develop your energy. Note that doing these activities is very effective in the treatment of depression. The third element is to help you change your way of seeing things, such as catastrophic or unbearable situations. To complete the therapy, your therapist will guide you to change your opinions and beliefs in order to eliminate the beliefs that can lead to recurring anxiety attacks.

Tips for successful therapy

Your therapy works best when you don't miss all your appointments. Its success is based on trust in your psychologist and your active participation in the sessions. People who actively participate in therapy recover faster and are less likely to relapse than those who are not motivated. If you begin therapy, set goals with your therapist and then spend regular time with him or her to measure your progress. If you are not satisfied with his approach, discuss it with him and don't stop your therapy. Cognitive-behavioural therapy is a long-term treatment and its effects may take time to appear. If severe depression occurs, the therapist will combine effective antidepressants in your therapy.